...all for papers) 1 论文篇名(Title) 2 简短文摘(Short abstract)3 报告形式(Oral or poster)4 截止日期(Deadline date)6.报名费7.论文集 第二节 学术会议报告要点一.报告准备 1.题名 删繁就简,不致歧义。 2.提纲 把报告重点分条列出。
DLD deadline date 最后时限
DLD D deadline date 最后时限
Deadline Delivery Date 交货截止日期 ; 限定交货日期 ; 交货最后期限
Audit Date Deadline 审核日期截止日期
Submission date & Deadline 名日期
Application E Date and Deadline 申请及截止时间
By the deadline date for returning the questionnaires, two corporations expressed their support to the application, while no corporation was opposed to the application.
It's not like there is an actual deadline to date or anything.
There must be no further delays. The drop-dead date/deadline is next Friday's close of business.